This past Thursday, some of my coworkers and I ventured into “the hood” to Paseo San Miguel to try some of the best Pupusas in the area, according to the Latin King Jeffrey. Haha. We were originally going to go here for my farewell dinner but decided that it was too far for people to want to go to so I said, let’s do a goodie adventure!
It was Papa G, Jenny and her daughter, Leon, Randy, Sara, me and of course, the Latin King himself!
During work that day, I tried to invite more coworkers to join us, but all were afraid. They said it was dangerous like Compton – super in the hood. No one dare venture out during the day let alone at night. They scared me…. but the Latin King and my papas said it would be okay! No one will die!! We will be a-okay and we were! Lol what exaggeration!
Jeffrey took care of me! He ordered for me so I didn’t have to think. For my drink, he ordered the Ensalada, which is a drink composed of diced apples. It was sweet and fruity!
For appetizers, Jeffrey ordered two plates of crispy pork and plaintains? I don’t remember what they were but they were very good! It had the texture of a potato, very soft. The pork was very crunchy and crispy! The slaw tasted like ceviche.
This is a plate of fried plaintains and sour cream. It was served freshly fried and very, very hot!! It was very soft and warm. The sour cream was very mild. It was really comforting to eat!
Lastly, my pupusa plate! I got the cheese and zucchini pupusa and the chicharron pupusa!
Both Pupusas were reallllly good! The first one was made out of corn and the second out of flour. The flour pupusa is more dense and chewy. I really liked the chicharron – so savory and flavorful.
The cheese and zucchini was sooo cheesy with little bits of zucchini pieces, making it very easy to make!
I love Pupusas! Thanks to the Latin King, I was fed well tonight! Thank you to my papas for treating me out! 🙂