With this “Shelter in Place” order in place during the Coronavirus pandemic, even less restaurants offer take-out let alone dine-in at all. But is take-out even that good? Hmm, I would usually say take-out is never better than dine-in, but Tsujita LA Artisan might be an exception.

For years, I have opted to eat at Tsujita Annex because I don’t like to wait to eat so I’ve never tried Artisan before.. until today! After helping my sister move! So Artisan never offered take-out during the pre-Covid19 period. It is only now when restaurants are forced to be closed unless they do take-out only.

We waited in line to order. There is also an option to order on “Chowmow.” We ordered and paid.. The guy said they no longer accepted cash because it spreads more germs through more people.. but at least the credit card is personal and just has one person’s germs.. We waited about 15 minutes for our food, which came in two big brown bags. The guy hooked us up with extra spicy pepper paste and limes.

My sister’s dining table didn’t come in yet, but in the spirit of eating japanese food, why not stand and eat at the counter like Japanese people? That’s how the fast ramen noodle restaurants function at the subway stations in Japan! They’re meant to dine and go very quickly!

According to my sister, take-out is as good as dining in with the exception that the noodles are a bit sticky to each other when trying to pull them up with the chopsticks. Other than that, the flavor and texture and quality is consistent. For me, I think take-out LA Artisan is BETTER than dine-in Annex!! (But also not to dis-credit Annex.. it’s also still very good..)

The broth is just so amazing. It’s like gravy.. The dipping broth is so flavorful and dense with the richness. The broth is less fatty than Annex’ broth. It is more smooth and creamy. It clings to the noodles and dribbles slowly down like gravy…. The pork is fatty and tender and juicy. The spicy pepper paste is killer and brings the dipping broth to a whole ‘nother level. I saved the extras and will definitely put it in my other foods this whole week!

I cannot wait, and I must, wait in line to dine in now. But until then.. I will enjoy takeout given the current no LA traffic and short wait for takeout! 😬
Thank you Truc!