When in Belgium
When in Belgium, what do you eat?! Of course it’s their famous Belgian waffles!! Now what is so special about...
When in Belgium, what do you eat?! Of course it’s their famous Belgian waffles!! Now what is so special about...
Good morning to you guys while I am on the train leaving Paris and going to Boom, Belgium. I have...
Last city stop in Italy and we end up in the leading fashion city in the world!! I cannot even...
Each city in Italy is especially known for a particular dish. While Florence has superior steak, Venice has delicious squid...
Each city in Italy is significantly different in history, art and culture. Aside from being known for its typical Italian...
Good morning guys! Right now it’s about 10am Roman time! Yesterday was a pack filled day of touristy things and...
This is my first time traveling out of the country and into Europe!! First stop outside the U.S. is London,...
I’ve always thought you could only eat udon in one way: hot and in noodle shoyu broth. But Marugame Monzo...
McCormick and Schmick’s, San Francisco, CA, was a restaurant designed in the early 1990s in hopes to capture the essence...
Angelini Osteria, Los Angeles, CA is one of the better Italian restaurants in the area. Judging by its name, $$$,...
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