Gusta Pizza
We didn’t have to look or walk far in Florence, Italy to find one of the best places to eat...
We didn’t have to look or walk far in Florence, Italy to find one of the best places to eat...
To someone who has never tried gelato in Italy, there is no way to explain what it tastes like. The...
One of the best gelato places in Milan, Italy isn’t the scoops of fruity and creamy flavors to choose from....
“Come here! Come! Come! Jay Chou ate here!” This Italian guy yelled towards us and waved his arms wide, signaling...
You know when I picture a dinner date in Italy, I imagine a cute, little Italian restaurant with beautifully decorated...
I don’t even know where to start!!! There were so many gelato places in Italy! There were probably more gelato...
Last city stop in Italy and we end up in the leading fashion city in the world!! I cannot even...
Each city in Italy is especially known for a particular dish. While Florence has superior steak, Venice has delicious squid...
Each city in Italy is significantly different in history, art and culture. Aside from being known for its typical Italian...
Good morning guys! Right now it’s about 10am Roman time! Yesterday was a pack filled day of touristy things and...
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